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Skills at Library: Unlocking information

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Unlocking information

Unlock articles & research

★★☆ intermediate

Sometimes there are barriers to accessing information. You might be asked to pay to read the full text of an article, or find a particular online reading platform difficult to use because of the way text displays on your screen. Fortunately, there are usually ways around these barriers. This page will give you the keys for unlocking information so that you can access the full text and view the content in a format that suits your learning style.

This section covers:

  • Accessing Library digital texts & resources
  • Using digital reading features & tools
  • Finding the full text for sources found outside the Library
  • Adapting digital texts to improve your learning experience

Click to expand presentation: Unlocking your digital readings

Already confident in reading digital texts? Start the next section on unlocking the full text of articles and research or return to the Skills at Library homepage to select another lesson.

Section heading text reads 'Quick Takeaways' with image of takeaway coffee cup and bag in background

Here's some quick links to help you develop information skills:

  • Remember, all the resources available through the library search are free for you to use - the library has already paid for them.
  • Use the specially designed reading list to explore digital reading platforms
  • You will find details about assistive technologies to help make your readings more accessible on the accessibility page of the Library website

 Skills at Library skill rating: intermediate

Unlocking digital readings is an intermediate information literacy skill. You will need confidence in using Library resources such as your reading list, and digital skills. Continue learning with Skills at Library to develop advanced skills.

Section heading text reads 'Explore More' with navigation compass in background

Want to learn more?

To get started with navigating a reading list, why not check out Making the most of your digital reading  below?


Creative Commons Licence
Except where otherwise noted, this work by University of Essex Library and Cultural Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.



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