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Skills at Library: Information skills

Welcome to Skills at Library, our information literacy support for Essex students and researchers!
Image of three students walking outside the Albert Sloman Library with text overlay that reads

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★☆☆ beginner

​​​​​​Section heading text reads 'Information skills' with image of student looking for a book in the library

Whether you are a first year undergraduate or working on your PhD, information skills can make or break your academic experience. The information skills and habits you use today will have an impact on your future degree and employability outcomes, so it's a good idea to regularly assess your capabilities and identify the areas you need to develop.

This overview of information skills covers:

  • What information literacy means and why these skills are important
  • How to assess your skills
  • How to make Skills at Library training work for you

Click to expand presentation: What is information literacy?

Already confident in your information literacy skills? Continue to the next section on 'Managing Information' or return to the Skills at Library homepage to select another lesson.

Section heading text reads 'Quick Takeaways' with image of takeaway coffee cup and bag in background

Here's some quick links to help you develop information skills:

  • Complete our Academic Skills Audit to assess your current information and academic skills and discover resources to support your development.
  • Reflect on your results. What are your strengths, and what do you need to work on?
  • Create a personal development plan and outline the steps you will take to improve your skills. We have a downloadable worksheet that can help you get started or you can try one of these free Notion templates. Remember to refer back to your plan to reflect on your progress.
  • If you are a postgraduate or researcher, take a look at our Research Support pages that cover publishing, open access, copyright, increasing research visibility, and more.

 Skills at Library skill rating: beginner

Information literacy includes basic skills like using Library resources, and more advanced academic skills. Continue learning with Skills at Library to develop advanced skills.

Section heading text reads 'Explore More' with navigation compass in background

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Except where otherwise noted, this work by University of Essex Library and Cultural Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.



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