Social Care OnlineSocial Care Online is produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), an independent organisation with a remit to review knowledge about social care, to develop best practice guides and to promote their use in policy and practice. It provides free access to a wealth of resources including a searchable database of references to research briefings, to reports, government documents, journal articles, and websites. This incorporates Caredata and information from AgeInfo. It indexes government documents, reports, papers, grey literature and book chapters covering all aspects of social care. Key topics include social policy, social services, social welfare, child care, care of the elderly, social work, evidence based practice, criminal justice policy, mental health, housing policy, social exclusion and social welfare. The database may be searched or browsed. The site also includes online research tutorials and an extensive directory of links to other related social care websites. Note: SCO content is no longer being updated from 1 Jan 2023 and from end of 2023 content will be moved to the subscription database: Social Policy & Practice