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The Sociology subject guide gives you access to useful library databases and trusted Web resources, relevant for researching many topics in sociology.

Population. Demography (General)

The Library also holds print publications offering historical data, such as:

Apercu de la demographie des divers pays du monde 1925-1931 RSS HB 848
Handbook of national population censuses Latin America & the Caribbean, N. America & Oceania 1983 D.S. Goyer & E. Domschke ZHA 42
International population census bibliography 1945-1977. 1980, D.S. Goyer ZHA 42
International statistical yearbook of large towns (ISI) 1961-1965 HT 103
Continuation of: International statistics of large towns 1927-1960 RSS HT 103

Population. Demography. Census (United Kingdom)


Migration. Refugees. Asylum (General)

Migration. Refugees. Asylum (Data)



Middle East

United Kingdom

United States