Welcome to the PPS subject guide, your gateway to resources relating to the teaching & research areas of interest to the department, including: psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, psychodynamic counselling, childhood studies, gender & sexuality, refugee care.
Here you can explore Key Resources, including the complete works of Freud, Jung, Winnicott and Bion online. The Journals/Articles section has links to specialist databases like PEPWeb that offer the full text of journal articles relevant to psychoanalytic studies, as well as resources like Scopus, that are useful for your literature review.
Use the menu on the left to look for other types of resource, such as primary sources. If you can't find what you are looking for, or need assistance, please contact me (see email link below).
The Library is here to support your entire academic journey here at Essex. Use the links below to jump to what you need to know at different stages of your journey.