The Psychosocial & Psychoanalytic subject guide gives you access to useful library databases and trusted Web resources, relevant for researching many topics in psychoanalysis, analytical psychology and psychosocial studies
Established UK charity (formerly known as National Children's Home) aiming to support vulnerable children. Publications freely available on its website.
Major UK charity working on behalf of neglected children. Free access to its publications & reports. See also its oral history project, some interviews discuss the experiences of Black or dual heritage individuals in the care system
Campaigning organisation on behalf of children in the UK. Includes archive of its early work (1881-1918) as the Waifs & Strays' Society. Its Good Childhood Report, produced annually since 2011, is a flagship publication.
Community Care Inform contains a wealth of online practice-related information written by experts, including: guidance to key pieces of legislation; articles and practice guides.
Major national youth cohort study which is examining the short & long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic & cost-of-living crisis on educational inequality, mental health & wellbeing and social mobility of young people. UCL & Sutton Trust project, data deposited with UK Data Service. See also
Charitable membership organisation that exists to support and champion those working with, and for, children and young people with SEND and learning differences
See especially its online resource section NSPCC Inform, and a wealth of resources listed in the NSPCC library catalogue -
OBO Childhood Studies is a growing resource of introductory articles on topics in childhood studies. The essays provide extensive bibliographies to key literature, assisting further research on a topic
Under the aegis of the Institute of Education (UCL), the TCRI has led research into children, parenting and families since 1973. See also this open access ebook celebrating its 50th anniversary -
Established in 2019 by children’s charity Impetus & with backing from the Home Office. Remit is to prevent children and young people becoming involved in violence
Project of the South Africa based Ichikowitz Family Foundation, the African Youth Survey commenced in 2020 and is carried out every 2 years across a selection of African countries
Data on child welfare for the US at national, state & local level. Further documentation is available from the Dept. of Health & Human Services Child Welfare Information Gateway.
LSE based research network, founded in 2006, looking at children's internet usage & online safety. See also Net Children Go Mobile project covering several European countries including UK, and the Family Online Safety Institute.
OBO Childhood Studies is a growing resource of introductory articles on topics in childhood studies. The essays provide extensive bibliographies to key literature, assisting further research on a topic
UN organisation dedicated to research and programmes in support of children around the world. See UNICEF Data, and flagship publication State of the world's children
Project from Save the Children, UNICEF and ILO to track countries' provision of child benefits. Data on coverage, financing, child poverty, current policies and programmes, country prospects and good practices