The Politics subject guide gives you access to useful library databases and trusted Web resources, relevant for researching many topics in politics & international relations.
International bibliographical database about censorship and freedom of expression, supported by the national Library of Norway. It currently offers references to over 50,000 works relevant to the study of historic and contemporary censorship, covering more than 30 countries.
Research outfit based at University of Toronto, looks at technology & the internet in relation to issues of privacy, security, human rights, hacking, surveillance, etc. Many interesting publications available
Established organisation championing freedom, privacy & the public interest in the electronic world, also responsible for which monitors the censoring activities of companies such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.
Seeks to provide democratic safeguards to the global communication and information space. Its Observatory aims to provide policy makers with a global assessment of the information and communication space and how it impacts democracy
Presents an overview of the state of democracy around the globe today. See especially its Freedom in the World comparative & historical data. Free reports online assess civil liberties and political rights, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion, both for specific countries and around the world generally. Includes its flagship Freedom in the World reports 1998- (or as dataset from 1973-) and Freedom of the Press reports 2002- (or as dataset from 1980-) and Freedom on the Net (2012 -).
From the Open Knowledge Foundation. Compares governments efforts in making government data open & available to the public. See also
the Open Data Barometer project of the World Wide Web Foundation and Open Data for Development to assess & encourage access to government data
Born in 2012, OONI is a non-profit free software project that aims to empower decentralized efforts in documenting internet censorship around the world.
SPIN is a collaborative initiative between researchers in the UK and beyond, focusing on the power and politics of secrecy and ignorance – at the international, state, societal and personal level.
Controversial website giving access to thousands of confidential diplomatic communications leaked by whistle blowers. Other secure sites for whistle blowers to upload classified information include the Guardian's SecureDrop and SourceSure in France
A non-profit-making group founded in 1991, monitors the State and civil liberties in Europe. Its database offers access to thousands of articles from its publications.
Project from CELE to monitor legislative developments and track the impact on freedom of expression in Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Colombia and Paraguay
Independent research institute, established in 2018 by the Nuffield Foundation & others, with a mission to ensure that data and AI work for people and society. Numerous research reports available