Google Dataset Search is an easy to use site that covers millions of datasets across the social sciences, including Economics. Note that it includes subscription datasets as well as free ones. Check the library website to see if we have access to subscription datasets (ask me if unsure).
Our World in Data is much more selective, but a useful site for some topics, notably because it includes essays which provide context and background information about data for various research areas.
Other portals that can be useful: lists nearly 600 open data portals around the world
Gesis Data Search cross-searches portals and repositories for social science data
Harvard Dataverse well-known repository of datasets
ICPSR leading US-based data repository
Re3data global registry of research data repositories, all subject areas
Many countries have a national data archive (such as UK Data Archive in the UK), and a list of some major ones is provided here
Note: General data sources only. See the geographical and topical listings for specific data resources
The Cross-National Time-Series Data Archive (CNTS) was initiated by Arthur S. Banks in 1968 with the aim of assembling, in machine readable, longitudinal format, certain of the aggregate data resources of The Statesmans Yearbook.
The Library has no access to comprehensive data on political risk, most of which is high cost subscription data. However, information can be garnered from the following sources:
1. Political Risk Services (PRS) & Business Monitor International (BMI)
Considered pre-eminent in the field. Political Risk Yearbook country reports are available on library database Business Source Ultimate from 2009- onwards. Logon to BSU, click on publications (menu bar at top) and type in "political risk" to get a list A/Z by country. Note that the ICRG risk ratings are not included in these country reports, but they do contain a lot of helpful detail.
2. World Economic Forum Global Risks report
Freely available over the Web 2006- onwards
Library database with PRS country risk reports (2015 onwards)
4. Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)
Well-known organisation, recent editions of its annual CPI dataset include country risk scores from PRS (ICRG), Global Insight Country Risk Ratings, and PERC Asia Risk Guide.
Some forecast economic & financial data is available from the Eikon (Datastream) library database, also from the IMF's World Economic Outlook series.
For long term forecasting take a look at the International Futures website and datasets, which cover a range of social, political & economic areas.