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The Politics subject guide gives you access to useful library databases and trusted Web resources, relevant for researching many topics in politics & international relations.


Africa. Asia. Middle East. Oceania



Archives electorales de CEVIPOF digital library of leaflets and ephemera 1958-

Centre de donnees socio-politiques (SciencesPo) electoral data back to 1965 for presidential elections, and from 1979 for European elections, 1997- for Assemblee national & Senat, and 1998- for regional elections  



Der Bundeswahlleiter Office of the Federal Returning Officer with election news & results

German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) data available for German federal elections 2009-

GESIS Wahlstudien portal to election resources & data from Leibniz-Institut fur Sozialwissenschaften. Federal elections 1949-

Politbarometer polls undertaken by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen (Institute for Election Research) covering German political parties and issues, 1977-



Elections Ireland provides listings & some analysis of general & by-election election results in the Republic and N. Ireland since 1918. Also European Parliament elections (1999-) and Irish presidential elections (1938-)

Irish National Election Study (INES) survey data on the 2002 & 2007 general elections, plus the 2004 European and local elections



Archivio Storico delle Elezioni data for national (with local detail) and European elections from Ministry of Interior. Some data from 1948-

Associazione ITANES (Italian National Election Studies) conducts election studies & analysis of electoral behaviour (parliamentary and presidential elections). Register for free download of data relating to elections 1968-

Centro Italiano Studi Elettorali (CISE)



Russia Votes maintained by Richard Rose at the Centre for the Study of Public Policy, Strathclyde University



Swedish National Election Studies


United Kingdom

United States

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A number of useful websites, including: