See also Steve H. Hanke's "Misery index", produced annually (no website). Simply a list of countries ranked by misery total comprising: unemployment rate (%) + inflation rate (%)
FAO databases
FAOSTAT is the main database, offering free access to time series data on food & agriculture for all countries (data from 1961-).
FAOLEX database provides access to treaties, laws and regulations on food, agriculture and renewable natural resources
Global Information & Early Warning System (GIEWS) has data on food production, prices & security, and alerts the international community to impending severe crop losses & famines
FAO publications
Many, including flagships:
State of food and agriculture Online (1947-)
FAO statistical yearbook Online (2004-). Continuation of: FAO bulletin of statistics 1963-2004 (title varies, in library at HD 1.M6)
FAO yearbook. Fishery and aquaculture statistics Online (1998- title varies)
State of world fisheries & aquaculture Online (2000-)
State of food security & nutrition in the world Online (1999- title varies)