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The Criminology subject guide gives you access to useful library databases and trusted Web resources, relevant for researching many topics in crime, criminology & criminal justice


Interest in news & media is not confined to media studies students, but is also highly relevant to criminologists interested in current events and policy or pursuing historical research.

You can read current issues of The Times and The Guardian in the Library (ground floor), though for more extensive research you should look at the following sources:


For students undertaking research of a more historical nature, two excellent starting points are:

You can see a more extensive list of our newspaper resources on the Library's e-resources webpage

There are also, of course, numerous free news sites, including the BBC and Guardian Crime pages among others. Many are free to search, but may charge for accessing content.

A useful portal to newspaper and broadcasting websites around the world is provided by ABYZ News

If you are interested in learning more about news and media, come along to the next Library workshop on this area of research.