START (National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism)Centre associated with the US Department of Homeland Security. Useful free access databases including:
Global Terrorism Database which provides information on terrorist attacks, bombings and incidents worldwide from 1970- onwards. The GTD incorporates the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System (2004-2012), which was maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center until 2012.
BAAD Database (Big, Allied & Dangerous) about terrorist groups around the world
PIRUS (Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the US) which contains individual-level information on the backgrounds, attributes, and radicalization processes of over 2,100 extremists who adhere to far right, far left, Islamist, or single issue ideologies in the United States (1948-)
Terrorism & Extremist Violence in the US (TEVUS) 1970- which is compiled using data from 4 datasets (American Terrorism Study, GTD, Profiles of Perpetrators of Terrorism in the US (PPT-US), and US Extremist Crime Database (ECDB))