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Finding books

There are several ways to find books on the O´Reilly platform. On the Home Page, you can browse Recommended for you, Recently Added and Trending titles. You can browse books by topics. You can search the database, on the result list select the Books filter. 

Book Information Page

On the Book information page you will find:

  • Click links to search other items by these authors, publishers or topics.
  • Time to Complete. To provide an estimate of how much time it will take you to finish reading a book, we multiply the number of pages in the book (or the number of pages remaining in the book if you’ve already started reading) by the time it takes an average person to read a single page.
  • Click START or CONTINUE to read the book
  • Table of contents. Put the whole book or separate chapters in a Playlist.
  • A book description. For select titles, there will also be resources such as links to the publisher’s website and access to supplemental content.

Book reader page

On the Book reader page you can:

  • Copy text, add highlights and notes. Just put your mouse on top of the highlighted text snippet to edit. You will find all your annotated books on the Highlights page.

On the menu to the right you can:

  • Use Table of contents.
  • Search inside this book.
  • Change font size, color mode and reader width.
  • Add book chapter to a Playlist.

For printing, please use the printing features of your browser. You can also copy/paste into another external document and print from there.

Book reader page