Meet the team!
Library Services is made up of three teams: Academic and Research Services, Content and Digital Systems, and Engagement and Cultural Services. We have staff based across all three campuses, and provide resources, high quality study environments and expert help and support to students and staff at the University of Essex.
Engagement and Cultural Services are here to help you make the best use of our libraries and experience our cultural offer, whether you're using them in person or online.
Ask us about:
- Anything library-related - if we don't know the answer, we'll refer your enquiry to colleagues with specialist knowledge!
- Using library facilities and spaces
- The Lakeside Theatre, theatre productions and venue hire
- Art Exchange, the art gallery at the University of Essex, current and future exhibitions, events and workshops
- Queries to do with borrowed books or access requirements
- How to find the resources you need, whether in person or online
- Ways in which you can help us shape our services around you
Academic and Research Services are here to offer expert help and support to staff, students and researchers across the University.
Ask us about:
- Information skills, from learning how to reference through to finding you the article you need for your coursework
- Ways in which we can support the work of academic schools and departments
- Our unique Art & Special Collections, including ESCALA
- Support for researchers, including topics such as where to publish, open access, copyright, citations and bibliometrics, and more
- The Essex Student Journal
Content and Digital Systems are here to ensure that all the resources you need for your studies or research are available, discoverable and accessible from wherever you are.
Ask us about:
- Resources on your reading lists, accessible through Moodle
- Resources needed for your research that aren't already available through our existing collections
- Issues with accessing any of our online resources