Finding appropriate sources of data and statistics is not always easy, but the resources below are good places to start. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please do get in touch.
Super data set from two noted economists, offering enrolment & attainment data for countries worldwide (back to 1870 in some cases) & projections forward to 2040.
Find out what people are searching for on Google. Provides charts showing breakdown by city, region and language. Useful for tracing the impact of a news story.
LEO was created by the Department for Education & contains anonymised information on the characteristics, education, employment, benefits, and earnings of members of the British public. Potential to evidence longer-term labour market outcomes and educational pathways of millions of individuals (1995-). Accredited researchers can apply to access the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) standard extract via the ONS Secure Research Service
Statista is a comprehensive statistics platform with access to over 1.5 million data sets (adding hundreds more daily) with revenue forecasts up to 2025/2026 on over 400 industries. It also features many thousands of downloadable reports, studies and dossiers. Statista provides huge breadth coverage of data relating to most subject areas.
Based at the University of Essex, UKDS holds the largest collection of social science digital data in the UK. Includes major surveys like Understanding Society. Browse by theme or key data to get an idea of some of the main data sets available.