Use the tabs on the Arts and Special Collections homepage to find our collections arranged by subject area. Contents lists for collections are provided as downloadable documents where available
Printed books from the collections can be found using the Library Search. Click on advanced search and combine keywords and date filters to help narrow your search.
To find Special collections books specifically, check the box marked Special Collections under Library on the results filter and click apply filters.
Your results list will now show only books from Special Collections. The holdings details will show you which collection the book is housed in.
Once you have found the collection or materials you need, contact the team at to book a visit, or to discuss the possibility of scanned document delivery
The Special Collections Reading Room is located on the first floor of the Colchester Campus library. For directions to the Campus, see the How to Get Here page. When you are on Campus, use the interactive Find Your Way map to find the library.
Visitors to Special Collections will be asked to abide by the following terms of use.