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Books auto-renew!

Books auto-renew!

What auto-renewals mean:

  • Books you borrow from the Library will auto-renew.
  • When taking out a book, the loan period will be initially for 7 days, with renewals happening on a 7-day rolling system. 
  • You can keep books for up to a year if no one else needs them.
  • Only get fines if you return an item someone else needs late.
  • All you need to do is keep an eye on your emails to know when you have to return.
  • Auto-renewals will apply to everyone who is able to take out our library books and across all three campuses. 

How auto-renewals work:

A chart which shows how auto-renewals work. Step 1: Take out a book. Step 2: Check your e-mails regularly. Step 3: Did you receive an e-mail? If yes, return the book by the due date specified on the e-mail received. If no, you can relax as the book has been auto-renewed!


There are some exceptions to auto-renewals:

  • If a book you have on loan is requested by another user, you’ll need to return the book otherwise you could be charged a fine. The return date will be displayed in the notification e-mail you receive, all e-mails will be sent to your Essex e-mail address. 
  • Books will auto-renew for a year, once you’ve had the book for a year you’ll need to return it. Though if no-one else requires the book you’ll be able to re-issue it to your account.
  • The books you have on loan will not renew beyond your library account expiry date. Library accounts expire once they reach your course completion date.
  • Interlibrary loans and laptop loans will never auto-renew.
  • Any items that are overdue on your library account won’t auto-renew. If you notice this is the case with one of your books, help will be available, just speak to a member of staff.