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Information about the services and resources the library has to help you access the library.

Sensus Access

SensusAccess is a self-service, alternate media solution for educational institutions. The form below will allow you to change files, URLs, and text, into easier to read/listen to formats.

Click the image below, and you will be taken to the access form.

For more information and help, please watch the Using SensusAccess video, and read the Guides and Best Practices page.

There is also a video tutorial of using SensusAccess. Please also take a look at the Terms & Conditions

SENSUS ACCESS: alternate media made easy

Terms & Conditions

You can make an accessible copy if you own the copyright (eg, it's your own work), have permission from the copyright holder, if the copyright has expired, or if it's for someone with a print disability. If so you need to agree that:


Also be sure to look at the copyright restrictions for disabled students.