Academic journal articles are shorter than books and they normally focus on very specific topics. You can use the databases below to find articles published in academic journals. Some of the databases are full-text, but others only include citations, so you'll need to check those in the library catalogue to find out if we have access to the relevant journal.
The resources below can help you to find journal articles and other sources on literature and creative writing theory.
Your creative writing will often require you to do background research into your chosen topic. The resources in this section - all of which are multi-disciplinary - can help you to find journal articles and other material on your topic. You may also wish to have a look at the Library's other subject guides to identify discipline-specific resources which could help you with your research.
Three multidisciplinary databases: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975 - present), Social Sciences Citation index (1898 - present), and Science Citation Index (1970 - present). They index the core journals with details of articles, some with abstracts, but do not contain the full text of articles