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A subject guide providing links to library resources available for psychology students and staff at the University of Essex.

Academic Journals with image of notebooks stacked on top of each other

Academic journals publish peer-reviewed articles about a specific subject area. They are a great source for current and emerging research on a topic. Learn more about academic journals on our 'Types of information' page.

A great place to start finding articles is through a general Library Search. This allows you to search the entire library catalogue and other resources (e.g. journal or newspaper articles, reports) in one simple search. You can start a search using the box below, or via the Library homepage.


Start your search!

This video shows how to access a journal article online through Library Search.

Journal search

You can also explore academic journals using the box below or by selecting the 'Journal Search' tab when searching the Library. This provides a different view of the online journals available through the Library.

Already know the journal you're looking for? Search for it here!

Browse journals